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Levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad 0.15 mg-30 mcg /day, and other progestogens (ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone, norgestimate, medroxyprogesterone acetate and norethindrone) 0.05 mg-20 mcg/day These doses can be used alone or in combination for treatment of amenorrhea. Maintaining a healthy weight Adequate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle may help to prevent and treat amenorrhea. There are a variety of food choices, including a multivitamin, that may improve your menstrual cycle and ability to maintain a healthy weight. Other lifestyle changes, including regular physical activity, weight gain and dietary choices may also help to improve your cycle. If your cycle is irregular or you have experienced a recent hysterectomy, consult your doctor to learn the specific treatment recommendations. Coping with irregular menstrual cycles Coping with irregular bleeding can be challenging, which is why it important to seek help. If you have difficulty in managing your menstrual cycle, you may need a medical evaluation by provider familiar with the management of women irregular bleeding. If you know are experiencing irregular bleeding, you may want to see your doctor and discuss the possibility of using an IUD to help regulate your menstrual cycle. IUDs vs. surgical sterilization In the majority of cases, an IUD can be effective method of contraception to help prevent infertility. However, an IUD does not prevent pregnancy in all cases, and it is not always the safest method of contraception. Many women who have an IUD inserted find that they have difficulty getting pregnant after the IUD has been inserted, or they do not experience the same results in first few cycles after insertion. Many women who have had an IUD inserted find that after stopping IUD use, their menstrual cycles may be significantly shorter, and continue on a shorter cycle for years or even decades. If this is your experience, a medical evaluation by provider familiar with IUDs is indicated. IUDs also may not be suitable for individuals who will be a low risk for becoming pregnant (e.g. women who have had previous births, females who have had a hysterectomy, females who are overweight or obese, females who smoke have a history of smoking, and females who use certain medications). A new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) indicates that there is a trend toward lower fertility in IUD users compared with those who have never used IUDs. Other factors related to an increased risk of infertility, such as smoking, obesity, and having an unintended pregnancy can also increase the likelihood of infertility. The risk of becoming pregnant after an IUD insertion is also increased in women who have had a previous hysterectomy. To help women who have had an IUD inserted understand their risk, it is important for them to discuss this with their healthcare provider, who can help them work through their options (e.g., use of a back-up contraceptive method such as the ring, contraceptive implant) with knowledge that an IUD does not prevent pregnancy. Other factors that may also increase the risk of becoming pregnant after an IUD insertion include: having a hysterectomy since an IUD inserted. having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2. having a history of previous pelvic inflammatory disease. having an IUD placed at a higher than 2° F (1° C) elevation. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) the Society for Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine (SAAYAM) recommend that women who are planning to become pregnant not use hormonal contraceptives, including the pill, and that women with existing fertility problems not use an IUD or other hormonal contraceptives. If you are considering an IUD for contraception, it is important to discuss this with your doctor and discuss all other options available with you.

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Nello scorso CAD di Psicologia e Sc. dell’Investigazione è stata avanzata la proposta da parte dei docenti di sostituire gli indirizzi magistrali di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica e Psicologia della Devianza e Sessuologia, con un indirizzo unico. L’UDU si è immediatamente opposta, consapevole che questa decisione avrebbe comportato la perdita delle peculiarità dei due curricula, […]

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Dopo anni di richieste e di lotte nei diversi consessi d’Ateneo da parte degli studenti e dei rappresentanti UDU, abbiamo ottenuto un’offerta formativa di tre curricula nel corso di Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia Applicata, Clinica e della salute: Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, Neuroscienze Cognitive e PSICOLOGIA DELLA DEVIANZA E SESSUOLOGIA. Quest’ultimo curriculum risulta particolarmente attrattivo non solo per […]

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La mobilitazione degli studenti ha dato i suoi frutti. Dopo le raccolte firme e la petizione on line, Psicologia conquista tre curriculum magistrali: Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica, Psicologia della Devianza e Sessuologia e Neuroscienze Cognitive. Si attende la conferma formale del Senato Accademico.

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Stiamo portando avanti diverse battaglie all’interno della Facoltà di Psicologia. Tra le più importanti, la lotta per la riattivazione di un curriculum magistrale in Psicologia Applicata all’Analisi Criminale e la raccolta firme per l’istituzione di un appello d’esame straordinario per il mese di Aprile.

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II 21 marzo 2011 l’Unione degli Universitari ha depositato presso gli uffici competenti dell’Ateneo dell’Aquila una petizione per riattivare il curriculum magistrale di Psicologia applicata all’analisi criminale all’interno della Facoltà di Psicologia. 516 firmatari chiedono di avere un curriculum inerente a tale profilo formativo, che garantirebbe un’ulteriore possibilità formativa e lavorativa per gli studenti iscritti alla Facoltà di Psicologia e uno sbocco magistrale per gli studenti di Scienze dell’Investigazione.

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Nei giorni scorsi 600 studenti hanno sottoscritto una petizione per richiedere all’Ateneo e alla Facoltà di Psicologia la riapertura della Specialistica di Lavoro, delle Organizzazioni e della Sicurezza Sociale, con indirizzi in Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni e Analisi Criminale.

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Ancora un momento importante per noi studenti di discutere, confrontarci sui problemi legati al tirocinio. Ultima novità è la volontà dell’Ordine degli Psicologi di non rinnovare con la facoltà la convenzione sul tirocinio professionalizzante per il prossimo anno accademico.